We had been in communication with the City of Waco about a broken bicycle rack that was blocking the way of what could be an accessible parking space in front of Bitty & Beau’s coffee shop at 110 Franklin in downtown Waco. We were pleasantly surprised on Monday morning, October 16, to see that the bike rack had been removed! Later, repainting and new signage made this into a much-needed parking space for Bitty & Beau’s employees and customers. Thanks, City of Waco!

Before: Mobilize Waco board member Jimmy Moreno and organizer Meg Wallace, feeling frustrated because a rarely used and broken bike rack is in blocking a potential accessible parking space in front of Bitty & Beau’s which has many disabled employees and customers

After: Hooray! No more bike rack! Now to get the painting, signage, and striping to make this a fully accessible parking space. Board member Jimmy Moreno celebrates here with two of his fellow Bitty & Beau’s employees.